I think I paid $22 for this tripod. If anything ever happens to it, I can just throw it away and buy another one because it’s only $22. The greatest thing about this tripod to me is not anything to do with the tripod, it’s the price. You don’t want the person buying your house to think the greatest thing about it is the price! Unless of course, you don’t care how much money you make selling your house.
Understanding the psychology of how people make decisions and the buying process is really important when it comes to selling your house. Now think about whenever you’re talking to your friends and they’re talking to you about something that they bought and they’re bragging about some feature or whatever. People love to talk about the things that they bought and why it’s better than what someone else has.

You want to give the buyer something to be excited about so that they’ll give you the most money. In my experience, most of the time women make the home buying decision and the things that are most important to them are the kitchens, the master bedroom, and then the overall decor. You don’t want anything that has a cringe factor in it.
One of the things that we do at The Mayer Group is we hire a home staging consultant to come to your house and tell you all the things that you could and should do to get your house ready to sell and also explain to you what things will help get a buyer excited in today’s market. What are Millennials looking for and what are the people that are most likely to buy your house looking for, and how can we use your budget in order to be able to identify those things and then maximize that potential?
Many times what the homeowner thinks buyers are looking for is often different than when buyers are actually looking for. We will help take your budget and use it in a different way to help maximize the profit.